Since I was rendered disabled as far as travelling and working in the London city was concerned (also mentioned in my book), I decided to launch my Internet based ventures, that I have always been passionate about, staying at home. The two websites that I have launched so far are as follows: actually stands for “Good Deed Feed – Now”. It is a not-for profit social networking portal that aims to connect the positive acts (Deeds) being performed by the Individuals and Groups of Individuals, and build a culture where these Deeds get rewarded by Businesses, Government Agencies and NGOs. By rewarding the Deeds and their doers (Deeders), we believe that doing deeds will turn into a mass movement across the world and will motivate more and more people to become Deeders and contribute to make this whole world a better place to live in – for all of us – and Environment that is getting deteriorating rapidly.
Bhartiya Jantantra Manch, launched for India only so far, is a world’s first ever, apolitical, Internet Portal to revolutionise Democracy for the new era – effectively making the traditional political parties redundant in this era of Information Technology and with an aim not only to to care for ALL of our population but also to revive our lost environment and nature!
The Manch is “of the people, for the people and by the people” – available 24X7 and people will nominate and choose the candidates for the parliamentary and state assembly elections, who in turn will choose the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers, as per the provisions of our (Indian) Constitution.