Welcome to my blog!

This blog is the continuation of my book “Life with GBM Brain Cancer: Blessing in Disguise”, published on Amazon world wide.

This book is a narration of my on-going struggle with the most aggressive of brain cancers called Glioblastoma Multiform (GBM). With half of the patients dying under 15 months after diagnosis, I feel lucky to have survived for almost 6 years, and looking forward to extend the life span as much as I can. In this book, I have shared my personal memoirs of the challenges of treatment , especially chemotherapy, and how with a unique outlook on life, nutrition and support from friends and families, I have managed to get dozens of stable MRI Scans of the brain till date. It is a story of looking for reasons to continue to live well and not let fear take over the body and spirit.

I shall aim to publish weekly postings on this blog to post the updates on my treatment, progress of my condition and other interesting facts worth sharing: such as nutrition, my research on latest treatments available to GBM patients etc.

Satinder Singh

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  1. Hi Satinder,
    You are a brave and intelligent child of this beautiful world. We humans are there to understand your feelings about this disease and it’s influence on family and societal issues. Go forward without looking back !

  2. What size tumor did you have? How did you find out you had a brain tumor? What stage? 4? or sooner?
    What sort of radiation did you have, if at all, what good did that do?
    how old were you when you discovered your GBM? Where in the brain did your GB appear? My daughter found herself with a compromised left side; strange perception, had to give up driving after Thxgiving 2021; died in front of me after beginning her radiation from a severe seizure on Feb 9th, 2022.
    Do you continue with your care? Will your care ever end?

    1. Dear Tony,
      My apologies for responding late and sorry to know about loss of daughter. I can imagine your pain you must be going through. Please accept my heartful condolences.
      Now, here are the answers to your questions:
      What size tumor did you have? My tumour was about 6cm in diameter.
      How did you find out you had a brain tumor? My body was showing very bad symptoms for over 2 years that I did not pay much attention to as I was living a very hectic life in London. Only when I collapsed on road twice, I started to take my health seriously. The Tumour was all revealed in the MRI Scan of my Brain in end Oct 2015.
      What stage? GBM by definition is always Stage 4 Cancer.
      Radiation ? A standard radiation that was performed in Feb – April 2016 after the surgery on my brain(head) had healed – that was performed on 31st Oct 2015.
      Where in the Brain? It was on the frontal lobe affecting my cognitive faculties primarily along with issues in maintaining the balance of my body as I am prone to falls.
      On care : During my treatment I was cared by my wife and then my mother. My kids, who were 6 years and 3 years old during my diagnosis healed me as well with their charms. Right now in July 2022, having survived for almost 7 years now, I stay at home and do not go to any job. Not only wife works full time but at the same time cares for me as well. I do not see this model changing anytime in near future.

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